The motto of the EduChampions project is to help design and scale up innovative, inclusive, flexible learning practices -based upon the Universal Design for Learning principles, and a combination of learner-centred pedagogies with relevant digital tools for learning – by nourishing the entrepreneurial mindset and attitude among educators. Education has the potential to leverage people’s conditions and possibilities, amplifying each one’s present and future opportunities, which is extremely important in the face of the growing group of people facing social, geographical, cultural, economic, education and training-related barriers.
- gathering cross-cultural inspirational examples and stories of edupreneurs promoting UDL-inspired, learner-centered, digitally-supported learning practices and disseminating them within their communities to help clarify important pedagogy, technology, and entrepreneurship dimensions in the process;
- raising awareness on this paradigm shift and the role of edupreneurs and education champions to make it happen and scale-up;
- help educators to strengthen their competences on designing learner-centred strategies, purposefully using digital tools for learning, and addressing learners’ needs in a more inclusive and comprehensive way;
- fostering dissemination of best practices on promoting innovative inclusive and flexible learning opportunities within the VET ecosystem and expanding to other education offers as well.


Ikaslan is an association of 28 public vocational colleges in the Basque Country of Spain, Bizkaia. It offers initial vocational education for post-compulsory students and continuing education for workers, unemployed, and those threatened with unemployment.

Mindshift is a consulting company specialised in Human Resources that invests in the performance and upskilling of people’s competences, seeking to boost the digital and interpersonal maturity in organisations and society.
Mindshift operates both, at national and international markets, in the following core areas of business: assessment and development of competences & upskilling paths, training, coaching & mentoring, career management & personal development plans, preparation of workforce for the new labour market demands, onboarding of young talent into trainees’ programmes, design of communication strategies in social networks.

Found.ation is an innovation management consulting firm that passionately transforms organizations and teams by activating new skills and disruptive methodologies.

CARDET is the leading research and development centre in the Mediterranean region with global expertise in VET education, entrepreneurship digital skills, and capacity building. As the largest independent non-profit centre based in Cyprus, CARDET is independently affiliated with universities and institutions from around the world, such as the Yale University, the University of Nicosia and the International Council of Educational Media.

DISRUPTIA is a company expert in digital transformation that envisions the smart technologies as game-changing tools to fully exploit the opportunities that digitalization can provide towards building the sustainable society of the future. DISRUPTIA supports education entities and public institutions to define clear goals for an effective digital transformation strategy, fostering the development of a high-performing digital education ecosystem and enhancing digital skills and competences for the digital transformation.

TRAINING 2000 is an adult education centre certified in the Marche Region for regional training, with experience in education and training in different economic sectors. Training 2000 is involved in research and development of innovative training content and new methodologies (blended learning) for reskilling and upskilling of adults.

Since 2007 is Eurofortis a dynamic Czech-Latvian centre based in Riga, Latvia, organisation working in the training field, personal and professional competence development. Biedriba Eurofortis takes an active part in European educational projects realised within the framework of Erasmus+ Programme and ensures availability of educational and up-to-date learning materials, tools and methods, as well as seminars and different training within projects primarily aimed at identification, development and improvement of various competences and knowledge.